Chitragupt Puja is performed by Kayastha Parivar. The puja is also known as Dawat (Inkpot) Puja, in which the books and pen are worshipped, symbolizing the importance of study in the life of a Kayastha. During the Chitragupt Puja, earning members of the family also give account of their earning, writing to Chitragupt Maharaj the additional amount of money that is required to run the household, next year. This is the second day after Diwali and the next day after new moon night. Puja Items : Sandalwood Paste, Til, Camphor/Kapoor, Paan, Gur (Jaggery), Paper, Pen, Ink, Ganga Water, Unbroken Rice, Cotton, Honey, Yellow Mustard, Plate Made Of Leaves, Puja Platform, Dhoop, Youghart, Sweets, Puja Cloths, Milk, Seasonal fruits, Panchpatra, Sindoor / Vermilion (Roli), Brass Katora, Tulsi leaves, Kesar, Betul Nut, Match box, Agarbatti (incense sticks) and Deepak / diya. Before the Puja : These preparation are done little ahead of conducting pooja -> Place of worship is first cleaned. Make a Panchamitra with 5 ingredients of milk, curd, ghee (clarified butter), sugar & Honey. Make Guraadi (Gur + Adi = Molasses + Ginger). Place few mithais & fruits as a prashad. Vermilion (Roli) paste, rice, aepen & water should be kept in a small vessel. Seep chalk & Swastika is drawn on the ground or on some wooden board. A satia is drawn and is decorate by drawing lines on all the four sides. On this the god or goddess to be worshipped is placed. Bath Chitraguptji’s idol or photo first with water, then with panchamitra/or rose water, followed by water once more. Vermilion (Roli) is applied on the feet of god idols or photograph. Earthen lamp or any other type of lamp of Ghee is kept in front of Chitraguptji. Books and pen / pencil(s) are cleaned and kept in front of Chitraguptji. During the Puja : First the pooja is performed with water then aepen and Vermilion (Roli) [For performing pooja the ring finger is used for dipping and sprinkling – water, vermilion (roli), aepen]. Then little rice is touched to the eyes and offered to Chitraguptji [The pooja offerings are done three time each (sprinkle water, aepen, roli and chawal)]. Make offerings of flowers and Haldi (turmeric). Light the Agarbatti (incense sticks) and lamps filled with Ghee. Read the holy book of Chitraguptaji’s katha After the Katha, perform Chitraguptaji’s aarti Take a new plain / white paper, make “OM” 1st on top of the page and “Swastik” below om with mango leaf’s petiole / stick dipped in roli-ghee. Below that write the name of five god / goddess with a new pen. Below that write the “MANTRA (as given below)”: After the Puja : Take panchamitra and eat prasad. Books and pen / pencil(s) kept in front of Chitraguptji should be taken back only the next day. The paper kept in front of Chitraguptji is finally submerged in a clean water body (Ocean, River, Lake, etc.). Finally… Do not read or write anything during the day!!